thanks for the offer. Didn't send the letter to you with the aim of a loan but your offer muchly appreciated. Just received a project to hold me over another month, so we'll see. But my letters to other friends and this relative are being ignored, and this from people I know to have spare cash. It is sad how selfish people seem to be. My whole life I feel I've always been eager and instinctively willing to help everyone around me, and have always been greatly
disappointed those few times I needed something, to have to listen to lame excuses why no one can lift their finger. It always angered me, and now I think I'm just outright sick. I guess it's just my nature, as a Pisces or something, so I shouldn't judge others. But perhaps I have grown a little jaded. Generally I find my instinct takes over before I can even rationally think and I automatically help when someone is in need. This is one thing I've always liked about you, because you seem to have a good and genuine heart, in a world of wolves. But perhaps I am getting more sly in my aged years, and hope to treat favours like business, and keep the friend issue separate. I guess accepting that "friend" a lot of times means someone to drink beer with and entertain each other, but not necessarily some aging concept like "through thick and thin" etc. If I were to take this personally, I doubt I'd have any friends. Anyway, thought you might have enjoyed my goofy
Czech letter, which is why I sent it. But at least I received a few projects recently. And that I am on this island and can drive the 20k to the Greek side. My costs are fairly low here, I've already started looking into local health insurance, but the only remaining problem is the little smog test stickers on the licence plate, which are due to expire around July. But I don't think the police here will really concern themselves, and I don't really have another choice anyway. The fun of living on the edge I guess. But I'll slowly start asking around what is the procedure, the law, and the potential consequence. Otherwise, I think I could stay here indefinitely! latergal
March 20
You uploaded your
Mexico movie but had some serious password security thing going on, so every time I tried to download it I got kicked off part-way through. Remember? So I actually haven't seen that one. If you still have super-security on your server, you can upload it to mine. I'll make a folder for you and give you my password (no mucking about in there!) if that helps.
Oh yah, forgot about that. I got a new ftp server program there now, so lets try again. I'll try to set it up tomorrow. If that fails, I can try to ftp it to you. Read that the youtube thing only allows a hundred megs or five minutes, unless you have some account. Was thinking of trying to torrent some stuff off my server. I got shitloads of space there. Wanna try that for your flicks?
Speaking of my website, I did a re-design of my front page. The 'eagle cam' thing is taking off again this year; most of the nests around here have at least one egg in them. Last year I got thousands and thousands of hits during the mating, nesting and fledging season. I am buying a digital camcorder ($3000, gulp. loan.)
products.asp?lng=en&prodid=317&sgid=5&gid=2&ovr=1 it has approx twice as powerful a macro lens as my still camera. Now I will be going out with both, because the little 'image capture' ability of the camcorder is still not as high quality. We'd be talking $10 000 for that, but the camera is like 4X the size and weight, with all kinds of plug-ins for studio. Plus I'd basically need to take a course to run it! It's not exactly portable. So the one I"m getting is a good in-between. I will be streaming video from my blog as podcasts (need Adobe Premiere, another $900. oy!) and uploading to YouTube. This will gain me ridiculous amounts of exposure and hopefully get me some sponsorship for my efforts.
Forgot, you plan to make money off this or is this an expensive hobby?
Tell me what you think of my new *fancy* main page! As for the screenplay, I'm almost finished. Last few pages to go. In a nutshell: they live in a barren, desolate canyon because a war on their world several generations ago caused the animals to become mamoth sized and devouring everything in sight. The canyon has been worn into the earth by an acid river, also unleashed by their enemies. In the canyon the only thing that can withstand the acid water are crystalline stallagmites which have caves worn into the top, that's where the people live. It's no longer an acid river, but rather a wall of acidic water that pours through the canyon at intervals. Our heroine, Teone, one day travels further down the canyon than anyone ever has before, stumbles across another community of people living in another group of stallagmites. They gather their resources and send an expedition to the ground surface (because their species will die out if they stay in the canyon), who manage to evade the surface beasts only to find totally forested hillsides with all kinds of food and critters living in it. Various adventures embark, some people die, others get injured, a couple fall in love, one group returns to the canyon with news while another explores further the forested hills then comes across a village of people like them except they do not speak. No language. Probably from the trauma of the war.
blah blah blah etc etc things happen eventually happy ending.
Cool story and would dig watching the movie Lord of the Rings style. Had a nice fresh fantasy feel to it. Oh yah, when I was reading the Lord of the Rings, it was kinda cool in parts, but mostly I really didn´t give a crap about this little fat shit trudging his way through this forest and that. I think I don´t dig reading so much because I guess I´m one of those visual people. Someone told me an interesting theory once how there are three types of people, but you can combine various elements of each. There´s words, feeling, and visual. I think I´m highly shifted towards visual, because I have a sort of photographic memory, and I can imagine things from start to end. The guy who told me this said he can´t imagine anything, and that´s the first time I found out that there are many people out there who simply cannot imagine things visually. It blew my mind. Then I understood why there were porno mags. It never made sense up to that time. And feeling I´m not into. Totally don´t like it when a girlfriend invades my biosphere and wants to hold my hand. So I guess that´s why I´ve just never gotten into reading, no matter how I try. Now, since there´s not much better to do, if I aint watchin a flick or working, I end up reading something useful that I can gain from. I´ve recently been calling a lot of it wiki ketchup, as in catchup on reading after a lifetime of ignorance, drinking alcohol and talking endless gibberish about nothing. But as things occur to me I´ll download various subjects from wiki or possibly the general internet and I´m expanding my scope that way. Recently I´ve even thought about dabbling into psychology 101, to get insight into mental shit, but reading literature is still totally repressively boring for me. Well, guess that´s it. Just rented and saw Freedomland. Pretty intense flick man.
Thanks for the info. I didn't realize that you do most of your work with a pocket PC/ cell phone. For me , my Yahoo account/website is fine for e-mails, just have to delete a lot of shit.
Well, I wouldn't really say I do most of my work through the ppc, but rather more often check my email through it, as I'm at the cafe a maximum of only four hours a day. Then I like to check my email about once an hour, more often if there is some project. So my offline hours are spent doing offline work on the computer, so once I hit the cafe I got pretty intensive internet stuff that I do all at once as fast as possible. Kind of piles up and swings from one extreme to another. If I need to research something, I quickly download a bunch of pages and save them to my computer, to read them at leisure offline later. Took a while to get used to, after I was used to a permanent internet connection, but once I got used to it is really isn't a big problem, although I still miss the constant internet. Without the Vanquish type system I get about a thousand spam a day, not pretty well zero, so it is a definite breather.
well, at least you know one reason why I like the internet so much. Attached is the best info I found on the subject, so perhaps some things you guys didn't know and might prove useful. At least I know certain things to avoid, and I guess I'll start taking multivitamins. And try to knock out even one cigarette a day - heard on the radio recently that even one a day can triple the chance of a heart attack. The rest I'd say I've already implemented. I mostly only use virgin olive oil for cooking, but I'll try some of the other oils. One nice addition I did to the truck recently is to make a spice rack that fits nicely in one of my closets. I can remove it for when cooking, and slowly I've been recorganising things to make cooking a greater pleasure, but I need to buy a smaller refillable propane tank for lighter meals. Otherwise, I generally don't cook at all and eat raw most of the time, which is supposed to be healthier anyway. I usually cook on a Sunday and make enough for two or three days. Usually make dal, which is assorted lentils with delicious spices. Pretty easy stuff. Today I go try the free interent at the university. WIll be great if it works, because that will save me money, I can spend much more time on the internet, and will make
Cyprus so much more an ideal place to live. I'm still worried about the heat during the day, but if I manage to find a shady spot to park and use the fans, it could be okay.
just wondering if you are in regular contact with that customer you sent me. She wrote me, and I responded twice, but she has not responded yet, so I am wondering if she got my emails. My prices are really competitive so I cannot imagine why they would not at least interest her a bit.
Desperately looking for work as usual. Have entered my annual fast and, as usual, I always try to improve on the year before. This time I tried this parasite killer, because ridding your body of parasites beforehand is supposed to make the liver and kidney cleanses much more effective. My mom sent me this stuff Paragone from Vancouver which has all the active natural ingredients to kill the parasites and which I could not find in
Czech Republic (various herbs etc.). I only managed to take about one third of the dose, but I guess the stuff is pretty powerful, because after the 15 day period I had the worst diarrhoea I´ve had in my life. It was coming out like runny mustard, and it was burning my butt hole. I was in great pain, so I thought I´d flush it out with a sea salt water intestinal cleanse, and ended up have the worst case of diarrhoea for the rest of the day. Even after switching to regular water. I guess I should have followed the instructions better and ate some yoghurt and other stuff with my diet, but I guess my body was getting rid of all the parasites in it. I was laying like a beach whale in pain on the beach by the waves, running into the water every time the rumbling sound came, and usually it was too late as it would just gush out without warning. Fortunately not much people were on the beach during that weekday, but the constant diarrhoea seemed to have pushed out my intestines. I was in extreme pain and had to drive standing out to the hospital, where they told me I had stage 4 haemorrhoids, so the past week has been sucky indeed, but I have to chuckle at it. Will try to use my Czech health insurance and get a thousand Euro operation, because I´m sick and tired of dealing with it. It all started when I started riding a bike in
Czech Republic, and starting on George´s bike and hard seat. I was so excited I wasn´t paying attention that first day I rode 40k. Oh well, shit happens I guess, ha ha. Made some advances with your greencard thing?
glad to have at least one friend who's interested in this stuff and not just 100% for themselves, as many people seem to be. Not any action for you to do here, but I plan to download the reading links and read them sometime, because reading stuff like this can make us appreciate what we have, and perhaps give us motivation to try and do more. It's a big aspiration of mine to move towards this direction more. Unfortunately, I haven't had much work since I left prague and I'm totally smouldering in poorville. But my costs are much cheaper, so once the work kicks in again, I should be in a much better position, not to mention that my system is finally set up for some serious expansion and this is the first time in my career where I can afford to look for new customers on a permanent basis (I had too much work for my capacity before to even think about it). Most of the way I look for customers is seo. So far I have managed to achieve between the top ten and twenty on google in "translation agencies", "translation resources" and "translation agency" ( is mine too). I find it quite interesting work and hope to offer it as a service on day. Not sure if I'll be able to whip through
Prague in the summer, as I simply do not have the cash at the moment (calculated it would cost me at least 50 grand Czech to make it there and back, considering I have to replace the back four tires as well). But if you feel like and are able to fly over here, it's a great island and I can drive you around. Free accommodation of course. Endless beaches, great nature, a rich history and tons of ruins, nice people and quite cheap on the northern
Turkey half. Think it could make a good long term home for me, as long as the two halves don't join. Then it would be a major problem to drive to another country and extend my visa here every couple of months. have a good one dude and say hi to the folks.
this concept has been dallying in my mind constantly for the past week and each time you came to mind, so I thought I'd write to you about it. Even though I'm smouldering in the doldrums of neverending poorville, I must agree that a good thing about my job, which seems to have been the case over the past several years but with increasing measure, is that I do what "job" I feel like at any time. I found I have gotten sick of answering endless emails over the years, and tend to answer the ones I want when I want. Whenever I finish one task, I always ask myself, "hmm, what to do next". Often followed by, "Nah, I'll do that later. Hmm, this one seems interesting at the moment". So I find that, aside from my general dissatisfaction at my low income at the moment, I'm enjoying what I do whenever I'm working, and lately it has occurred to me that this must by a very rare thing on this planet, with most people having some boss behind their back telling them what they have to do at any moment, telling them when they have to work, etc. etc. Those days are so far behind me and I can hardly remember them. But I'd say you are much more successful than when I was your age. On the other hand, almost every job I've had I never had someone breathing down my neck, whether it be a dishwasher, treeplanter, bartender, or security guard. A lot of times piece work, that as long as I kept up the pace, no one would bother me and I was the king of my little corner. But certainly not successful work like you. So I'm just curious how the new job is working for you and if you are enjoying it and what is the stress level/enjoyment balance to the money/success situation like. I don't think I've ever worked in a large office
environment like you, so I'm only speculating what it might be like.
Well Kajo, that is just how it is. I had a "friend" back at the embassy, i liked her because she was fun and we used to go out together a lot.
I guess you're talking about that girl I met and we partied at your place once? Yah, I've grown tired of people's selfishness too. Decided that I will rather try to treat things often as business, and reserve my charitable nature to charity and people who deserve it, or for a higher purpose. But it seems that I'll get mad, but every time someone asks for a favour, I'll instinctively help anyway, like that if I were to decline something would die inside me and I'd be more depressed or something. So I guess me and you are blessed with the spirit of giving, in that it gives us joy to give, which I think should be more fulfilling than the joy of receiving. I once had a friend who told me he enjoys it when someone cooks for them (he said it jokingly, although I'm sure it was true as well), in response to when I said I enjoy cooking for others. Or I have one realestate friend who was going around asking people if they'd rather live in a Prague flat with a shitty facade on the outside looking out the window at a nice facade, or the other way around. He said he received interesting responses, and I guess it sheds light on a person's character. Whether it is more important the simple joys in life, or glorifying themselves and being selfish or what not. Well, guess that's it for my philosophical discussion for this morning. My blob is
Travel Europe
. I'm trying to improve the writing style as I go. You can check out most of the pics through the "gallery" links. How was Greece? Must have been a fun surprise for Juan. You got a job in Belgium yet? Wrote to Roger without a response yet, but another friend said I shouldn't worry about the little sticker, so
Cyprus could turn out to be a longer term home for me. Just found some free internet, so my costs can be extremely low if I survive a lot on bread and just park on campus instead of driving to the beach every day. Think I'll put up some ads at the university offering English lessons in exchange for beers and the opportunity to meet people. But if I can get some work, I'd rather start driving around this island and exploring a bit. Under these conditions, as long as the two halves do not join, I think I can stay here for a very long time. Now just to find out how I tolerate the warm summers, as I was recently told it can get around 44C, which for a person who wears shorts through Prague winters, can become rather intolerable. As you can imagine, everyone here is in winter clothing and I'm happy in my shorts attire. latergator
And i didnt mind a least bit to let her stay over my apartment with her boyfriends over the weekend and so on, i borrowed her money when she needed (she always paid back) but one day when i decide to leave my job there i asked her to mail me papers from HR so i didnt have to come there (she worked for HR) and all the sudden it was a big deal...this little thing, not mentioning that it was her duty anyway, well i got my pares but i havent heard from her either. I am glad that you got some job and hope that things will get better for you there. But please, let me know if you are in trouble and i will try to help. Can you please send me again the address to your blog please, i would like to read it and pictures from
Cyprus again :o) Recently i found fly ticket to Greece round trip!!! for 2078czk so i bought myself one and will go to Athens for few days (Juan will be there with business so i will surprise him). I still want to come to Cyprus this year again. Also, did you try to talk to Roger "bird's eye" ? He lives on Paxos and he is experienced iam sure with all that car permission crap you are going through now, maybe he have some solution for that matter. Anyway, i am looking forward to spring! After the warm winter we have some cold spring! Take care and keep in touch! xoxoxo)k
thanks for the offer. Didn't send the letter to you with the aim of a loan but your offer muchly appreciated. Just received a project to hold me over another month, so we'll see. But my letters to other friends and this relative are being ignored, and this from people I know to have spare cash. It is sad how selfish people seem to be. My whole life I feel I've always been eager and instinctively willing to help everyone around me, and have always been greatly
disappointed those few times I needed something, to have to listen to lame excuses why no one can lift their finger. It always angered me, and now I think I'm just outright sick. I guess it's just my nature, as a Pisces or something, so I shouldn't judge others. But perhaps I have grown a little jaded. Generally I find my instinct takes over before I can even rationally think and I automatically help when someone is in need. This is one thing I've always liked about you, because you seem to have a good and genuine heart, in a world of wolves. But perhaps I am getting more sly in my aged years, and hope to treat favours like business, and keep the friend issue separate. I guess accepting that "friend" a lot of times means someone to drink beer with and entertain each other, but not necessarily some aging concept like "through thick and thin" etc. If I were to take this personally, I doubt I'd have any friends. Anyway, thought you might have enjoyed my goofy Czech letter, which is why I sent it. But at least I received a few projects recently. And that I am on this island and can drive the 20k to the Greek side. My costs are fairly low here, I've already started looking into local health insurance, but the only remaining problem is the little smog test stickers on the licence plate, which are due to expire around July. But I don't think the police here will really concern themselves, and I don't really have another choice anyway. The fun of living on the edge I guess. But I'll slowly start asking around what is the procedure, the law, and the potential consequence. Otherwise, I think I could stay here indefinitely! latergal
Howdy, thanks for the nice words? Which page did you visit? I guess the one? I have many of them, and right now I'm doing a lot of search engine optimisation to help me get work for my business. If in Czech I'd advise going to Cesky Raj (Czech Paradise). Not too far and my favourite part of the country:
Bohemian Paradise
For steaks the only thing I can think of is Red Hot and Blues behind Kotva, in the centre behind the Obecni Dum. Say hi to Laurie, the owner, Lili, my good buddy, and Marketa, a feisty and fun waitress. Say hi from Charlie from Cyprus. Czechs don't cook western food too well, but if you ask these people they should know where the best place to get it is in town. They're pretty good too. I'd like to sink my teeth in a good steak myself. Perhaps more now that I'm half way through my fast. Take care, Karel
I discovered your absolutely amazing site while doing some research for our upcoming visit to Praha. Our son is teaching English in Praha for this year. We will visit him next week, over Easter. He lives on Reznicka Street and we are staying on the square near to him. We are so excited to see Praha and experience life there. Your pictures are awe inspiring . You captured not only a picture..... you captured a spirit, a feeling an energy. Your writing is very engaging , interesting as well as highly informative. Your spiritual insights are most inspiring. Thanks for all of the work that you put into this. I am appreciative. Brian is a writer as well and I will forward your writing and site to him to enjoy. God Bless You!!! Robert and Ann. Omaha Nebraska (PS Brian misses his great Nebraska there a place to get a great steak? We want to enjoy the local cuisine that he also so enjoys but would like for him to get a steak while we are there.
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