Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Travel log - March 5

I like your webpage. I am reading it but it takes time! I miss pictures from Cyprus thought!!

That should be on the last chapter in the Navigation page, and when you're at the last chapter, you will find some "gallery" links to lots of pictures. Like Salamis and Gazi Magusa. Those are the main picks of Cyprus. Hope to have a lot more once I put up the next chapter. Cool you are reading it. I'm trying to make the writing more interesting as I go along, as some people have suggested to me. I'm trying to avoid putting a bunch of endless crap on the net, but new content is good for rankings apparently, and I hope that these webpages will help me find co-travellers eventually, because it is much more fun travelling with good people occasionally.

But all in together i like it a lot with all the comments and tips and the pocket mini dictionary, it is nice and funny too. Hey, I didnt go to Greece just yet, I am going April 16th and will stay for a week. I already bought a lonely planet guide to plan my day trips around Athens and so on. Juan will only be free over the weekend so I will explore a bit of acciant Greece on my own. Tomorrow we are going home for Easter. I cant wait. The weather should be nice and so i will work in the garden. About three weeks ago I went to Amsterdam which recall a lot of memories of 'smoking' your weet and burning my longs...every single time, I just cant smoke!o) Anyway I bought a lot of really nice plants for my parents garden at home and just last weekend Juan and I went to Keukenhof which is also in Holland and it is supposed to be the most beautiful spring garden in the world..and it surely is. Well, there i got bulbs of tulips and narcises and other spring flowers so i will really be busy when i get home. Oh, in Amsterdam i bought some weet and brought it with me to Belgium and i have it in my night bed stand and it smells so nice, i like the smell, it is pretty much enough for me... no burned longs!o)

I was told that cat nip was a good thing to put under your pillow and gives you wild dreams. I like the aroma of weed too. If you feel bold, you might try cooking with it. Break it up into small little pieces and simmer it for half an hour in butter, on low heat making sure not to burn the butter. Or I guess you can use any oil. Then cook anything you want with the oil or butter, like chocolate chip cookies. You get a body high and it can be quite powerful. I've never been so stoned before. Cook spaghetti or whatever you want. It may take up to an hour to give effect, but it will last a lot longer, so I'd start eating some Saturday afternoon, rent some movies with Juan, and plan to stay in baked out of your brains for the evening.

Oh, but most of all i want to wish you a Happy Easter!!! Are you going to make the pomlazka and scare the locals?! ... no, I knnow it is not a very good idea... Let me know whats new with you! And take care. xoxoxo)k

I guess you mean that Czech whip to spank girls with? Don't think that bush grows around here, but maybe I could try with olive branches, heh heh. Easter is almost here, which will mark about 40 days since my birthday when I stopped drinking beer or having any cigarettes. Actually, found out recently that my family has heart problems on my mother's side, and that even one cigarette a day can triple the chance of getting a heart attack, so I hope to never have anymore. But I certainly will look forward to a few beers on easter! This fasting period has been my healthiest yet. Need to start looking after my heart more. It's been feeling strange for the past year or more, like skipping beats, and pains. Don't want to flop out before 50 like a lot of my ancestors. That would suck. Still wanna accomplish a lot during my life. take care and thanks for your nice letters! Happy gardening. I miss that stuff, and tree planting in BC.

Actually, they were using the name CZECHVAR here but it was still my Budvar and at the Czech Bar down the street, they are all Czech so they know the temperature it should be at!!! They told me that they may get Krusovice soon, no match for Budvar of course but it will do on a hot day. You can pretty much get Pils. Urkuel anywhere but I never cared for that much. Oh well being engaged has calmed ny party spirit somewhat, plus it is disheartening to pay $12 for smazak and $5 for a pivo. I both love and hate my local Czech bar, it's like I can't step foot in the place without dropping $40. It just doesn't seem right. I spent a summer in Greece on the island Santorini. I can understand why you like thesoutherncimate, it makes everything else bearable. Are you still hashing? I looked it up a few times but the groups here do not seem very accessible. Thanks for George's address. It's good to hear (read) from you. A

Been emailing with some hashers and have a bunch of groups lined up here on Cyprus, but haven't taken advantage of yet, cause I'm still too poor for gas money. Hopefully that will change at some point, cause I definitely wanna cruise the island. Rich in history and nature. But right now I found free internet, am parked right on the beach, and have a pretty good deal set up where I am, although I'm not happy with how much Turks litter. Big incentive for me to go somewhere else, and everyone keeps talking about the north east corner. A peninsula which juts out into the sea, and where the weather is more moderate and beaches and water totally prestine. Sounds right up my alley, and there are a lot of ruins there too, but just a bunch of villages and I think internet will be a problem. Nevertheless, I'll venture there as soon as I get a bit of cash. Heck, would probably only cost me about 600kc in gas money to get there and back, so could even do a week or weekend thing if wanted to. Sure there will be SOME internet, but for now I'm sucking off the local university. Found an excellent parking spot. Gravel crappy and wobbly, made perfect for the blue beast, which can sureptitiously creep up between the bushes and park right next to one of the departments, where I get a nice strong wifi signal and fairly fast internet. So I'm parked there all day, like some junky delivery vehicle, and step out and cruise the campus when I need to take a dump or buy some snacks. Feels like I'm a student again, heh heh. Even walked around campus with a little binder yesterday, and felt like a young student again, with my entire life ahead of me. Was taping up fliers offering free English lessons in exchange for beer and company, so we'll see how that pans out. Been drooling at their sports facilities, with the squash, tennis courts and all that, so when I hook up with some students, will hopefully get in on some sports action, and be able to use their shower facilities as well. You know, my lifestyle probably aint for a lot of people, but it is true that your skin develops a natural healthy layer at some point. Can you believe I´m showering practically once a month?? I think a lot of people would shit in their pants. I have a solar bag, but during the winter there aren´t so many hot and sunny days. It´s kind of a drag, and sometimes I have to mark my calendar based on my internet research of when it will be a sunny day. then I go for a jog and do the duties, but preferably during the week, as I think Turks don´t like their families, wives and children looking at your half naked body. Especially if I wanna wash my balls. Too much information? Anyway, a nice long hot shower would be great. Shit, living at Luzicka for so long, I can´t remember how many times I´ve had a royal hot bath. Miss that. But during the summer I swim in the ocean a lot, and a lot of these beaches have showers. But yes, once a month it seems now, and I really don´t think I smell. But that could be mostly because I don´t eat shit, but clean veggies and extra virgin olive oil. I wash my clothes in the ocean, in a bucket using shampoo, and vinegar to rinse. Been reading all this green instructions on the net and have turned into possibly the most environmentalist in the world, if you ignore the gas. But once they start selling rape seed oil everywhere, like they´re starting in Holland, I will be super green indeed, cause these old trucks can apparently handle that fuel without conversion. This truck is truly amazing indeed. 1988 and old technology of simple parts, which I can practically fix myself, and I have learned a lot over the months. Big strong simple parts that don´t break down, and only need occasional adjusting, if that. Combine that with my solar panels, I´m a totally self sufficient little planet. Have to laugh at my new lifestyle. Maybe I´m a missionary that the greenest Californian would envy. Well, good writin with ya. Drink some juicy beers for me when in Prague. The beer while travelling has not been entirely impressive.

Good Monday ..Morning(here ..afternoon there) Karl, Thanks for your insights once again! This sounds wonderful. If we aren't able to do all of this...... it is great and fun advice for Brian to do later with his friends. ..ESP the canoe and pubs......he would LOVE that!

I got a good female buddy in Prague, the one working at Red Hot with the steaks, who misses me a lot primarily because I'm the only one who would go out of town like this, and she absolutely loves the outdoor grill place. I used to take her around the country and we'd climb cliffs together. The rest of the people in Prague are like vampires, drinking till very late and getting out of bed in the afternoon. I consider it such a sad waste of a sunny weekend. But I understand the mentality. I think for a lot of expats, Prague is an amazing city, lively, where they can smoke dope, drink delicious beer, and I guess they just can't imagine that it would be comparable outside of the city. But I find it better there. The trains are pretty good, but its difficult to find friends to drag out of town and convince them to get up early enough to make it worthwhile. I would often organise bike trips, and even camping bike trips. I've been told that biking in Czech Republic is possibly the best in the world. You can go to a map store and get ShoCart, my favourite map company. Shows where the pubs and restaurants are, and even has the name of the pub. Easy to follow. Czech Republic is entirely forested, preserved over the centuries by the Catholic church, and all through these forests are endless easily marked trails. Great for hiking or walking, but also good for a bike. I got real good at reading the terrain and blazing new trails. And the great satisfaction of stopping at pubs all along the way, especially those by swimming holes. I bought big bike racks for the beast and managed to get little groups with me on the weekends. But I guess now that I'm gone, everyone is back to waking up at four in the afternoon. Horrible.

got prev letters but you such a cosmopolitan so you could have been back for a re-load of drumskins. Anyway skipped Prague after a look see at Montenegro - pretty but Russian ! Happy Camping . How long u stay in Cyprus ??? ANSWER TO X please

Think I've permanently lost my cosmopolitan desires. Prague was fun, but I think I'm done with the city, sophisticated cosmopolitans, and inhaling the crap air. Nice to party with people occasionally, but really don't need them like I use to. I want to accomplish more in my life now, so I'm happy working more. But while travelling I hook up with groups and that is nice. Right now I found free internet at the university, and put some ads up offering free English lessons, in exchange for beers and an opportunity to meet some locals. Hopefully I'll find some people to play squash or tennis with, or other sports. It's a good campus, and I miss my sports, and a decent shower afterwards. Haven't been getting much work, but my costs here are pretty low, so I plan to stay here a longer time until I pay my debts. Gas is expensive, especially in Turkey, the ferry is expensive, and I need to replace my back four tires before heading out on a longer trip, so I have a feeling I'll be here for a year or something. Hopefully I can endure the hot summers. That scares me, but we'll see. I like Montenegro. I hung around Stoliv, my favourite part, for over a month. But then it was getting too cold. Very peaceful there and I like discovering little pockets where I can live for a period of time. Once I start earning enough money again, it will be nice to start driving around, but this island is interesting too, so as soon as I get gas money, I will have a lot of discovering to do just here. How's business with you? I've been doing seo work, my preferred way of hunting customers (would even like to offer it as a service) and am now in the top ten on many important keywords, so I'll keep plugging away at that. take care,

I've heard that Greece has a real party atmosphere. My first wife was from a Greek family and it is true that she was much better at partying than being married. I don't know about the people down there though.

Yah, they seem bigger partiers than the Turks, and I enjoyed their music too. Stumbled in some bar where all the waitresses were Slavik dancers, and made friends with the Slovakian chick. Was a party indeed. Yah, George is apparently in town and moved a little ways from his previous flat. Would like to see the video, but not sure if I'd want a copy. Not much room in this truck and generally I prefer to downscale as much as I can, as I've grown tired of all the luggage I accumulated in Prague and that sort of accumulating lifestyle. Concerning the Greek thing, keep in mind that I'm in Cyprus. The southern half of the island is part of Greece, and in the EU, and the northern part is some sort of Turkish administered entity against which there is a practical embargo. But it makes things nice and cheap for me. Cyprus is practically next to Syria. Would be nice if you came for a visit, but assume it would be too far from you. You'd have to fly or something. But it's all sandy beaches and great temperature, cheap living and good food, if you ever wanna come this far. I'm probably stuck here until I pay all my debts, so it looks like it will become another long term home for me. But so far I'm pretty happy with it. My greatest peeve is the garbage everywhere. When I make some cash I plan to buy a rake and some big garbage bags, and clean up this beach, like I've already done on a few other beaches during my travels. But this one will require more work. Then I'll be the beaches janitor and try to teach these Turks about respect for nature. later dude and say hi to all the folks for me.

Anyway, I ran into Steve and he says that George is back in town? That would be good because I finally finished his wedding video. Your in it too, so you will probably want a copy. The weather hear isn't so great. I would rather be in Taiwan. Maybe I will come to Greece but as it stands we are planning on Italy this year to see Venice before it goes under.

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