> Ahooj! Great to hear the "English lessons" are working out for you!
well, not yet. School will start soon and I'll drop some ads within the next couple of days.
Konstantinos seemed normal enough to me. Then again, didn't talk to him much, and I'm a bit crazy myself I think! Then again, I think crazy is more normal than "normal" people, who seem more concerned about being "normal", which is essentially doing what everyone else does, because they are scared little babies who fear rejection and ridicule. So all the weak copy one another, and when someone else does something different, just because they feel like it and it seems normal to them, the week feel threatened, or envy the person's freedom, and start to badmouth and gossip about them. So I cannot consider them normal at all but just a bunch of cowards.
What's new with me? Well a big trouble make is coming to visit me. Long story, but didn't want to see him ever again. But he lent me cash for a plane ticket to go treeplanting and I feel I owe him one, so I invited him for a visit. Now he will be here for a full month. He loves to get drunk, occasionally into fights, and he is a big womaniser. In any case, I think my next month should at least be interesting, but I'm a bit scared! Will have to ask him to control himself.
Did any research on that tulip bulb you brought with you? Curious if you can get it to grow. It rains a bit now during the fall, and maybe winter. They bloom during the fall, and somehow survive 50C temperatures in burning dry sand over the summer. Amazing thing! byebaby
Tell me more. I want to write longer email but since i got back from Cyprus i have a friend visiting and i didnt have much time for myself not speaking to write emails. Please give me few more days, she is leaving on Friday. I miss you, i miss the sun and sea, I miss the weather and of course, i miss Konstantinos too, even though he is crazy and if we were living together i would have to kill him soon! I am currently in Brussels and the weather sucks as usual, dark and raining, oh today is also a bit windy... good chocolate though. So let me know what is new with you!!! looking forward to hear from you. and remember even though i am not writing emails every day you are on my mind alot!!!take care. hugs,bananaK
Yah, I enjoyed your visit too. Can't find your other letter but I remember you were saying something about understanding solitude. Well, actually did find some friends here. Play chess regularly with a Czech-American, and every day I spend in an air conditioned office with free internet at my Iranian friend, who needs to practice English. Have found that putting up fliers offering free English lessons in exchange for beer has turned out to be a great strategy. Actually, plan to print out some more fliers tomorrow, this time though saying "Nice Canadian boy willing to give FREE ENGLISH LESSONS to nice girl(s) - boys buy me beers." Heh heh. The girls seem all hot and yearning at the start of every school year, looking for new boyfriends. Anyway, I'm mostly just interested in female company, as I like to have a balanced life and social network. Otherwise, have grown tired of constant blabber. The last few years in Prague I would sit in the pub, sipping on my beer and listening to the conversation, and it seemed to amount to absolutely nothing. Little jokes responded by giggles and other little jokes, so I've actually learned to appreciate being much more productive by myself, working pretty well whenever I'm awake and choosing what I want to "work on" at any time. My life also gets sprinkled occasionally by travellers I meet etc. But I would like to know a few more people, because one does need a certain amount of interaction to remain sensible and sane. What stories were you talking about? Will try to see your flick. I write my regular blobs on the internet, and have been trying to write better every time. Now I want to starts a "travel reflections" page for tidbits and ideas I cannot squeeze into my regular stories of my travels. All part of my mad science to help me get more customers (search engines like text), find co-travellers, and make money off of writing in other ways if possible. Have always felt I wanted to be a writer one day, so I guess the translations and learning how to type fast has been good partial training for that. Hope your tulip works out! This is the time of year when they bloom. During the summer the bulbs are in burning hot and arid sand. Pine cones only turn to seed and grow another tree during a fire. Maybe you should research it on the net, as apparently these don't grow anywhere else. Have a good one. :o)
i really enjoyed seeing you and talking to you again as well! i wish i could come more often but it is not that easy. i think i was pretty lucky to get the ticket, the prices doesnt go below 400EUro per ticket. Anyway, i hope to be back some time and hopefully soon. i brought the shell you gave me and the sand and the bulb and i will try to grow it here, it is my project now. i also think that yu should keep writting the stories you were telling me about. i like it. i think you should see the "WALLY" movie. you would like it. thank you for inviting me/us for an exciting trip through the norther island, it sounds great and who knows, maybe it will happen. i miss it so much. it is 11C now and finally a little bit of sun but not for long i am sure. enjoy it there for me! take care. hugs,k
was good to seeya again banana! If ya ever wanna come for longer and you can tolerate my sardine can, you're welcome to stay here for free. Even your friend. We can boot around the Turkish side. Maybe later I'll get insurance for the south side as well. My friend is coming from the 8th of October to the 8th of November. So early November the weather may still be a bit tolerable for a swim in the ocean.
> Ahoj! Tak jak to jde?? Vse ok? Nebo jsi v pruserech az po usi?! Ozvi
> se, pa
just finished driving around the island (Turkish part, because I don't have insurance for the Greek part), and on the way the police stopped me and I discovered that all this time I was supposed to be paying some customs or something on the caravan truck. So now I owe something like a thousand bucks in fines. Will stay put on my beach until I can afford to pay something like that. At least I have insurance on this side.
We drove to Kyrenia and then all the way up the Karpaz, to the very farthest point of the peninsula, where I swam 10 metres to the next island. Was thinking of trying the next island out too, but the first island was too sharp to walk on barefoot. But at least that was all fun.
Things settling down with my friend, as the island seems to pacify people. As long as I pay him what I owe him, he said he'll probably cover all my beers while I'm here, so that's nice. Otherwise, he likes to drink a lot and it would be painful not to be able to join him. He admits he's saving a lot not having to pay for a hotel, and he's loving the beach and sun here. Made a bit of money over last weekend so financially I'm getting better. Need more work though. Have a good one!
Ted prave odesel David z anglictiny.... Promin ze jsem se drive neozvala ale dostala jsem od tebe dva kratke emaily v dobe kdy jsme byli v Coloradu a od te doby co jsem prijeli (mid Sep) jsem v jednom kole ... Babicku jsem prestehovala do Senior home a mam s tim mnoho prace, old people have difficulties to udjust to a new surroundings.... She is doing well for her age but of course she is fragile. I have to keep her spirits up going there often now, till she acclimatizes ...
Hope everything goes well with her. Must be tough getting old like that.
Take jsem cekala az zacneme s anglictinu, abych ti mohla reportovat jak to jde Davidovi. Ptala jsem se jestli mu pises a rekl mi ze uz dlouho od tebe neslysel ale naposled ze jsi psal ze hledas praci.... Davidovi to jde dobre ale ted ho nutim aby vice se mnou mluvil anglicky. Zacala jsem jinou metodu krome cteni primo z knihy... Pri prvni hodine jsem mu rekla aby priste si pripravil 10 min speech about his summer activities. Den kdy mel prijet poslal SMS ze neprijde, protoze ho boli hlava ... ale priste prisel a bylo vse v pohode, mluvil ale kratce. Takto vidim kde dela chyby a co je treba vylepsit. Dnes uz je vice relaxed about it. Jinak je chytry a slusny kluk....delam vse pro to, aby se u nas citil dobre. Zda se mi, ze ta mama o nej dobre pecuje, dela proste co muze. Ja se snazim ho nasmerovat tak, aby mel plan studovat IT na vysoke skole a ne jen nejake stredni skole, nebot takto bude mit potom vice moznosti ... Bezpochyby ma na studie vsechny predpoklady.
That's cool that you're helping him with English and I try to write to him in English, translating certain words in < > brackets etc. to make it easier for him, but he just seems lazy and doesn't even read my emails. So I stopped that approach. Maybe I could resume it at some point in the future. Or speak to him in English if I ever make enough cash to bring him with me on my travels a bit. I thought it would be good for him to try treeplanting, if I were ever to do that again. He would get strong, learn what work is, practice his English, meet other cultures etc.
No a jak to vypada u Tebe Kajo? Ted jsi mohl byt opet s Marketou a mamou, doufam ze jsi si to uzil a mel cas si straightened out your priorities a myslet about your future.
Well, I think I reflect on my priorities, think about my future enough, and know what I want to do with my life. I was rather angry the entire summer, and still am a bit, how you guys responded to me. Not wanting to help me is one thing, but judging me in such a harsh way I found rather unreasonable. You can check out
if you are interested to learn what treeplanting is truly about (I made that webpage), instead of judging them as a bunch of beer drinkers. Where did you find that, on the internet or something? They are mostly young kids who know how to push themselves, so they can make big bucks and get through university. They are also more independent thinking. Most people couldn't even dream of doing such work and just quit, so they can sit in an office and do what someone else tells them to do. They are the kind of people I relate to and this job, which I have done for six years while going to university, has shaped a lot of my character, so I take it with offense when people make such naïve judgements. Anyway, I already wrote a few long letters to you about this, and it seems you did not get any of them. I am guessing that you use some spam filtering system that throws certain mail into your spam or junkbox, triggered by some words. So the longer I write my emails, perhaps the greater the probability that it might end in your junkbox or something. You should add my email address to your whitelist, to make sure you get all of them, otherwise I just end up wasting my time writing. So what I have started to do, with certain people who occasionally do not get my emails, is that I send a second email only with the text “did you get it?”. Hopefully that one with few text gets through. If you did not get my long letter than I try to send it another way. But you really should set your filter so you get all my emails. Maybe you are paranoid and have all your spam and protection settings on maximum security, but you can train these things and tell them that certain sites are okay. For example, my travel stories. They are definitely safe and I know a lot about computers.
Jake bylo tree planting? Mam tu od tebe dva kratke emaily, ten jeden jsi napsal uz snad z Londyna, nekdy v srpnu, ze jsi na ceste zpet to the island ... Myslela jsem si, ze budes sazet stromky az do konce zari. Vydelal jsi si nejake penize? Psal jsi v tom prvnim kratkem emailu jak tezko si si zvykal na tu praci - to si dovedu predstavit, je to tezka prace. Co ted delas? Nasel jsi si nejakou praci? Jak to vsechno vidis....
I made about 10,500$ over three months and averaged 250$ a day, but I could not get more work and the total earned was kind of low when you consider the plane cost out there and some equipment purchases. Or the fact that I had to stay in hotels sometimes, and other costs. I guess I would need to do it for about five months to make it worthwhile. But hopefully I wouldn’t have to do it again. There are also other jobs I could do in BC. Perhaps I could work hard for many months and save up enough cash to survive comfortably for the rest of the year. I like developing my company and learn a lot while doing it. I’m also looking into other options. Treeplanting is good because it gives me quick survival cash.
Modlim se za Tebe aby jsi byl zdravy a spokojeny a financne nezavisly. Neni to jednoduche, ale jsi jeste mlady, roky pribyvaji a pak je to cim dal tezsi... Dnes ta ekonomicka situace to nedela pro nikoho jednoduche, ani pro nas.
Well, I figured out how to live for 10 bucks a day. I don’t pay rent, or electricity in my caravan (because I have solar panels), yet many people seem to look at me like I would be better of in Prague, paying 14,000Kc a month for rent and all sorts of other costs, with friends constantly tempting me to go out for beer. I have become quite more productive while on the road, because there isn’t that much to do. But I enjoy being more productive, and having low costs. I’ve had enough of
> Ozvi se mi, modlim se, xxoo Liba
yah, I know. I've talked with friends about this. One stopped drinking totally, but says that after a year he doesn't feel any smarter. It is an age thing mostly, although drinking can certainly affect things for the worse. I've generally slowed down and just stick to moderate amounts of beer. But life is life and more enjoyable than being worried about being a little bit stupider. We kill a hundred thousand brain cells just by sneezing. Did a research and smoking dope has no long term affects on cognitive ability, although the affects alcohol consumption can be compounded over time. The acceptable drug of the masses, like cigarettes, which is more addictive than heroin. One of the reasons why smoking dope may be illegal is that it makes you think, and question authority. Apparently in Maine US or something like that you can be charged with conspiracy against the government if caught high on LSD.
good luck anyway, and I mean it a kind way. Have some fun at the same time, do not drink much it destroys the brain. I took up french again after 35 years. Well what I start to remember from before comes to me but what is new to me today I will forget by tomorrow. Now I understand Ciki when she complains she doesn't know in the morning what she read the previous evening. And she dos not drink now at all and before, well, she did maybe like me. The age is stupid and it shows. So take it easy with drinks so you can keep your brain little longer :):):) talk to you after a week. going to bed now but will check the machine tomorrow.
I hope you have more dreams like that!!! I would defend you in real as well you know. BTW, i sent you halloween card but it bounced back again, i guess it is because i sent i from my yahoo account? anyway, today is your name day according to czech Republic calendar...SO HAPPY NAMEDAY!!!! do you still have the visiter around there? and anyway, whats NEW?!! Will write more soon, promise. Kisses, bananKa
Thanks my favourite banana! Didn't even know it was my nameday. Guess I'll have to find some online calendar thing to remind me of these things, cause all my harddrive keeps frying and I lose all this information. I think your birthday was a month before mine or something like that? Do you use some online calendar service?
Friend is still here and we have reached a remarkable and peaceful symbiosis, playing tennis every day and drinking only a couple of beers, playing chess on the beach and stuff like that. So it's been rather pleasant and enjoyable.
For your Yahoo address, did you get a challenge message asking you to go to some website and verify you are a real person and not spam? That would add your address to my whitelist, otherwise if you tell me your address, I can just send an email to it and that apparently adds it to my whitelist.
Have a good one, and thanks for defending me! Actually, after I got tired about 4:30 in the morning I went back to sleep and was setting my mind to have nice dreams with you again. But the next time they were slightly on the weird side, although still innocent of course! Have a good one banana!
> hi my favourite banana,
> just woke up from a beautiful and innocent dream with you where
> everyone was
> crapping on me but you were the only one defending me. I'm still all
> fuzzy
> with
> happy feelings. Thanks for saving me banana!
That’s pretty funny and well articulated. I’m surprised
Oh, by the way, mom forwarded you a request I made to her. Reminds me of all those times you don’t understand my emails and call me a stoner. My emails seem to make total sense to me and I think you must just read them fast, or cant be bothered to figure them out. What do you want, point form explanations for like a kindergarten kid?
She told me she sent you an email last night when she couldn't sleep so you probably know all this now but I'll send to you as well. She went to
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