okay, I'll Skype America and see if I can get it sorted. Think they also sell it in the UK but probably much more expensive than the US. Will research everything as soon as I get back to the north side and have my fast internet again. Basically, without the technical details, I now get fast internet through my new mobile modem thing, so I don't have to drive somewhere, which costs gas money and time, and is a pain in the arse (looking for a signal etc.). The problem is that, for the travel internet to be fast, the signal has to be strong. Like I have to be parked close to one of their transmitters, which is unlikely on a remote beach, where I usually like to be, or at that house we are supposed to reconstruct. Since he wants me to work for him for 40 to 60 hours a week, I wont have much time to drive places and look for fast internet etc. I need fast internet for a lot of my work. So I'm just trying to plan ahead and make sure I have a good strong signal at his house. Or my remote beach somewhere in the future. This is where this box come in. You put a good antenna on your roof or outside or whatever, the box catches the signal, then it amplifies it and either broadcasts it within the house, or you hook it up directly to your mobile phone etc (the best and strongest option). Apparently it can multiply a signal by up to 15 times!! So very good for the situation I am in. With this job I am sure I'll be able to pay you back quickly. Need your postal address where to send the stuff! Should I use the following still?
I can imagine that this housing/financial crisis does not do you guys well, and that the only person who would buy it is a capitalising millionaire who will offer half price or something. I have several friends who develop property in the US and Europe, perhaps I could ask them if they have any contacts or advice? One of them I will be working for. He has six properties in Bulgaria, 6 in Czech, something in Portugal, and have no clue how much else he has throughout Europe. He is a bit of my mentor, because he gave me great advice how to survive on the road, since he does roughly the same driving between all his European investment property. So of COURSE he knows what he is doing. If not, that's his problem, cause he's paying me for my time anyway. He's the guy who accidentally sent me 40,000Kc instead of 4,000Kc, when I was driving through Croatia. Gotta thank the old farts who are not used to online banking. But one friend who knows him says he probably did it on purpose, to help me out. So I gotta pay that off as well.
Yah, Ilona is a cow. Some customer owes me more than 2,000Kc, but now that I do not have a bank account in Czech Republic anymore, I wrote her an email if she could pick it up from him. She did not respond at all. I asked David, and he explained that "on nema klast podminky na mne ale ja na nim". So she's a lazy arse cow who can't lift her finger. At least I was sending her more cash than I was supposed to for several years, but now when I'm down, she cant lift a finger. That is fine. When I have cash again, I'll send her the minimum, and any more David will have to work for. At least we have a nice email relationship together, and I hope to travel with him one day, or perhaps I'll suffer another season of treeplanting so that he can make good cash and learn something valuable about life.
OK. I was just going to write you that I really do not have any money. when you new mail came. it is quite drastic now, I never thought it would come to this. But it is not just us, it is everybody around. Our stupid timing got us in extremely dangerous position as ALL we have is in the house, there is an enormous mortgage on in and we have no income other than selling our projects. It worked reasonably well and would continue should this global thing did not come upon us. Our danger is that not only diminishing value of the project but also that nothing like that is selling. We do not have staying power to hold onto that gorgeous, unfinished house. WE will finish only part. Anyway I do have some credit on my card left and I will help you out but I will really need it back when I am in Prague as we will live on credit there and on what I luckily stashed away last time. NOt much though. So lets go for it but it is a short time loan. This time I am not kidding. We fly on points therefore free. Apartment is ours and Hamets, we can not rent it out, it is not ours only. We are lucky that we have it. So lets hope that somebody will fall in love with the design of that beast which sits on top of the rock, looks down on the beautiful Vancouver and the Bay and is hungry. For money. Every time I pick up the mail there is another bill. I would really like to live in in it for a while. It was the plan. So lets hope. Tell me more about that little box which is so important (no technical details, I think I got that) but practicality. HOw to get it, where are you ordring from.....Will solicit Keta's help. And sorry about being so gloomy, I am very tired today, did not sleep but I will be better tomorrow again. I have my last German to french lesson, have no funds and time now, will bring tapes with me to Prague so I can excercice my lazy brain :):):) I am also cancelling my real estate license for 4 months so I can save on my fees. Tomorrow I will buy lottery. Keep your fingers crossed. But most importantly lets all stay healthy, nothing is more important and while we are healthy we can help each other. I wish you all the luck with your crazy project in Greece, I hope you guys know what you are doing. And careful with your "byteckovy auto" Did you hear from David? Do not tell them I am coming, I am really pissed off with Ilona and will have to decide if I will call them at all. Sorry for David it is not his fault hope he will sort it out when he grows up a bit. So Karlicku, kralicku take care and stay well. > maminkaxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooomamamamamamama
It costs around 300 bucks, I'll order it, and all you need to do is bring it to travel Europeand then send it to me. But if that is a pain don't worry about it. I can pay for it now but, if you have the means, I'd ask if you can lend me the money, to make sure I have enough to get to Greece. Once I'm there I will not be paying for food or rent and be earning something, even more if some translation work comes in. If I will be out somewhere remote working on his cottage, I think this mobile signal booster will possibly be necessary, for my translation work etc. Don't think it's available in Europe yet. Sender Allowed have no idea what are you talking about, forwarding it to Keta so she can decifer for me. What is it you want me to do and what does it cost and where do I get it....... Keta help please..
oh yah, and forgot to mention concerning the mobile signal booster. I'd have to research it, but it seems difficult to get where I am, or in Europe in general. New technology I think and some US company. If you think you might be interested in helping me out, I can do the following: - find out if in fact it works for Europe (1800 MHz) - find out the total cost, get it sent to your house. It's a small box and I can find out the exact dimensions for you (you can take it out of the box), so of course one factor is if you'll have room in your luggage or the desire to deal with this at all - I have money in my account now, but I'm worried if I'll have enough to get to Greece. Once and if I make it to Greece I'll have my room and board paid for, so I should be able to pay you back quickly. Or perhaps my costs to get to Greece wont be so high and I will be able to pay you right away. I'm just worried about having enough to get to Greece, and seeing you are coming to Europe, thought I'd try to nab the opportunity and see about getting this device sent to me. It can be quite a tedious pain to constantly have to drive somewhere to a good signal. If I had this booster, I could probably just work construction on my friends rubble house, in between go to my room or caravan truck to check if any translation work comes in, and work on my webpage designs at night after work etc. We already agreed I could stop construction and do translations if anything comes in. So having this good internet right at his place would be pretty nifty. Anyway, it might be possible to get it shipped to Europe as well. Just exploring my various options, so no need to stress about it at all. lateroo > >> >
promin ze mi to bere tak dlouho nez jsem se dostala k tomu abych ti odepsala....Trvalo mi dost dlouho nez jsem si vubec neco precetla z tvych cestopisu, ale abych pravdu rekla moc jsem tomu cas nedala, protoze jsem stale zamestnana nejakymi vecmi, ktere hori ....
No problem. Hope you get everything sorted.
I took a quick look at the web link you sent me and if I understand it correctly, you didn't make enough money while tree planting... I also didn't understand why you finished earlier than originally planned - was it because it was not well organized or because you couldn't keep up with the speed?
Well, there's summer planting and then there's spring and fall treeplanting on the coast. Generally if you want to plant in the fall you need to start with a treeplanting company on the coast in the spring. It is much more difficult to plant on the coast, as you can probably imagine from the pictures on my hardcoretreeplanters site. But I've done it before and I can probably get on again, but I need to act early. I didn't think of starting the treeplanting job until it was too late. I almost got onto the coast with a company I used to work for, but they changed their mind at the last minute. But if I would want to do this again, and I'm thinking about it, I would simply have to apply earlier. I got a full summer season in and tried to get onto the coast, but nothing was for certain and I didn't have the money to just hang around Vancouver and see what happens. I already had a plane back, so I just jumped on it. So not only did I not earn the 500$ a day everyone promised but I only put in three months, which got me 10,500$ but not enough to pay for the plane tickets and everything and make it all that worthwhile. Furthermore my boss jipped me out of a lot of cash, so that was unfortunate as well and seems the story of my life.
In any case, got an offer from a friend to help him recostruct the attached house. Seems like it will be a challenge and good learning experience. I think I'd like to do the same one day in the future once I make some good cash again. He has properties all over Europe and this one is in Greece. Hope to leave there in about a month and work on it over the winter, perhaps continuing with his crew onto Bulgaria during the summer. He says I can stop working any time if I get some translation work. Will get free room and board and 7 Euro an hour, so good backup cash. But it seems I might not even have that much time to reconstruct (although I'd like to at least do two hours a day, to get some exercise and learn something new) because my Czech translator pages have finally climbed to near the top of google. Just checked today and I am happy to find that it is THIRD on google for the keyword search "Czech to English translator". So my latest search engine optimization strategies are working well and I hope to push it up higher. Already I've started to receive new orders and hope to soon have a regular income. The past two years I have been learning about SEO (search engine optimization) and things are finally paying off, as I imagined they eventually would, but didn't think it would take so long. It seems that almost everyone I know assumed I was just wasting my time and frolicking on the beach, but no one really knows what I have been working on. This SEO is a very complex business, and highly competitive, yet I have finally become successful at it and now to slowly translate that into cash. But that I find is usually the case with struggling entrepreneurs - everyone looks down on them when they are struggling, but they continue their work diligently and with uncompromising perserverence, and once they get over the top and become successful, only then do people have faith in them, because they can actually see the results. A successful entrepreneur has faith in himself and often has to face all the troubles alone, but that is just the price of success, and I always knew I don't want to be some dork who works for someone else. This is something I refuse to do and will go to the ends of the earth to achieve my dreams. Once I achieve them, then everyone claps and pats me on the back. It is sad that no one has faith in me when I need it, but I have grown accustomed to that and don't hold it against them.
Also I read somewhere at your link that you borrowed money from some of your old friend and that friend is going to stay with you now at the Cyprus island? So is he there now? What are you doing now? Did you find some job or do you do some translations? I felt sorry when I read that you made web page for some Czech restaurant in Cyrus without a proper contract with the real owner :(
My friend was here and now he is gone. It was nice playing a lot of tennis.
Yes, sad that restaurant did not pay me and I really needed the cash at that time (which is one of the reasons I got so desperate and decided to go treeplanting), but I am using the site for my own resume, am glad to have finally learned Flash, and the site will benefit me in other ways. I think I will also add some more info to it, as my recently visiting friend suggested, pointing to tourist locations in the northern, Turkish half of the island. The Greeks, such as those who did not pay me, absolutely hate the Turks, and it will be funny to anger them by advertising where to go on their Greek website. I paid for the domain for three years, and will probably renew it, as it only costs 30$, so this site will remain a thorn in their side and bad advertisement about their pub until some time in the future when they might decide to pay me for my services.
David rikal, ze od tebe dlouho neslysel. Nutim ho vice mluvit, letos jsem najela na jiny styl a chci aby vice mluvil, problem je v tom, ze on toho nerekne moc ani v cestine. Po prazdnicnach jsem mu rekla aby si pripravil 15 min speech o tom co delal v lete.... on ale dalsi tyden neprisel a poslal SMS ze ho boli hlava :) Ten dalsi tyden prisel a mluvil jen 5 minut. Vidim ale, ze je to pro neho dobry exercise, protoze ho mohu opravit na miste ...take ted musi psat 2 az 3 vety na kazde nove slovo, ktere probereme. To mi ukaze jestli tomu rozumi a hned ho mohu opravit.
Cool about the lessons and hope to take him traveling with me one day, or maybe treeplanting. I write to him occasionally but he doesn't write much back. If he wants a relationship with me he has to make an effort as well. It was by my effort that I first contacted dad and we renewed our relationship. He is becoming an adult. I know that his mom might encourage him to be mazany jako vsechny dalsi Cechy, but this is something he simply has to learn. In any case, I think we have a good email relationship and hopefully we'll be able to hookup once he's older. It is out of the question that he goes to Canada and stays with my mom or sister. In fact, because of the recent housing crash, my parents can't even stay in Canada anymore and are moving to Czech Republic to save on costs.
Good to talk to you and that you are getting my emails now. Will send another short one to make sure you are getting them. k
Myslim si stale, ze nejlepsi by bylo pro Davida, byt alespon na pul roku v Kanadske skole. Jsi si jist ze by ho tam mama nevzala? A co Marketa, ta by to nemohla pro tebe udelat? Ona je snad stale single a pracuje z domova, ne? He would become completely different person and would be greatly challenged by this experience. Pak by asi take i jinak pristupoval k te anglictine, mel by vetsi zajem, kdyz by videl jak tu anglictinu muze pouzivat. Myslime na Tebe Kajo a nezapominame se za Tebe modlit. We hope that God is with you and showing you His love and light ... - xxoo Liba
when my vision becomes reality, and then all the little folks around say, "congratulations. How did you do it? Connections through your daddy or something?"
Yup, funny shit. Oh, by the way, what happened to your emailing system a few days ago? Since then Ive had to fumble through your mails to find where my email ends and yours starts. Using a new email program or something?
Just checked and this morning I was third, and now Im SECOND on google for Czech to English translator. Amazing. And 24th for Czech to English translations. Hope to keep climbing and nice to see Im so far ahead of the big Czech agencies. Just today I agreed to pay 10 bucks a month to have text links to my translator CV page from some Czech pages in the US. So basically the same price as I just got for one outlink from some of my other pages. This will be my first paid back link. The good thing is that my outlink is supposed to be site-wide, which Im thinking might mean it will be on every one of their pages. If so that would be great. Its also good that they have a PR of something like 6, so that should really help my PR, and they get something like 6,000 unique visitors a month. Mostly Czech Americans I guess, so not only will the outlink help my page rankings, but it could lead to actual business as well. If this strategy works Ill keep spending more on other backlinks. Getting rather excited at the prospect of receiving lots of work. I also set up an affiliate office in Chicago, and working on one in Saint Paul (same google postcard thing you did for me I got friends all over the world), the two largest Czech-American populations in the US. So Im really strategizing and am anxious to find out how this will all work. These local sites will of course point to the translator CV page, so it should be a further help. Then Im trying to set up a new subdomain like czechtoenglishtranslator.kenax.cz, and submit that to the top directories (I found they do not like buried pages, like kenax.cz/stuff/czechtoenglishtranslator.html), and once that is accepted into them, I will make a link to my Czech cv page, and other Czech Republic pages, so that will be a further boost. Meaning that all this planned work should only solidify my position on google for a long period of time, in addition to all the other stuff I plan to keep on doing, so Im really looking forward to see if it will all work. If I start to get a lot of work, figure I should totally beautify the page to death and apply all my new css/html and flash knowledge, and make it look totally hotrod.
Concerning what you said below, kind of reminds me of Anne Rands The Fountainhead, I believe it was called. Think you would dig that book. Rather famous. Theyre just small little people and I guess we should just feel sorry for the poor little miserable bastards, heh heh.
oh man, I know exactly what you mean. people are idiots and don't see the obvious outside of what they have known all their lives or how people have always done things . . . "isn't that what people do??" when I ask, why are you marrying THAT guy? or, why do you stay in that job then if it's so crappy?for me I'm glad I 'came into my own' when I'm a bit older because - while you may get asked about connections through your daddy - I get the look, "there must be a husband or boyfriend behind this, there is no way a young lady can go buy her own computer and know how to work it" not to mention the photography stuff which I had a guy, the only time it happened and of course it had to be a guy that asked, whether I myself took those photos. he stared at me in absolute wonder like it could never have occurred to his (small) mind before that a female person would take such photographs of such a subject.I guess he thought a female and photography can only be about studio lighting and makeup, not about standing around outside for hours in the cold or in the surf to get that one great shot.What I take away from it is, what is THAT person doing? If I come across someone that questions my methods or my ability and they are, say a published writer or professional journalist or something credible, then I might think about it. But it never is, in fact quite the opposite when I do come across people like that either in working for Madison's or my eagle stuff they invariably are positive and encouraging and offer me advice/suggestions/critique for how to do things more correctly. The small minded people when they toss doubt or try to undermine my confidence or try to get me to question my abilities (it's so ridiculous, to doubt something that I am already doing! and have been for years. but I guess it's as you say, I am not wearing flashy clothes or operating with an asshole - ego - attitude so I must not be doing well) I just look at them directly, barely nod, hold it for a brief second then move on. Almost always when, if, I come across that person again they are still doing the same old thing they were the first time, no happier no more fulfilled, no growth or progress, while I can say, "Oh yeah I did that, now I am doing this other thing."All I care about is being productive. I don't consider the vast majority of effort most people do as productive, they're really just filling time. They wait for the boss to tell them what to do, the family to determine how the weekend time goes, and have no initiative or drive of their own.Mum and Jana are the old generation, in fact in the business world they are two generations ago. Literally from the last millenium! not even the last century, but last millenium.
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